Monday 24 October 2011

Make-Up & Skincare Expiry Date

Did you know that make-up and skincare products have an expiry date?

I mean, I knew that I shouldn't keep make-up and skincare products for too long but I wasn't sure about dates etc until the other day when I read it in a magazine so thought I'd share it with everyone ^_^

Look for this symbol:

Not all make-up and skincare products will have this symbol but most will and it's usually located on the back somewhere near the ingredients list.

The number xxM means the number of months you can use that product for before you should throw it away.

IMPORTANT: Start calculating the number of months from the date that you first opened the product.

Yes that's right. From the moment you first opened the product, even if it's just to see what it looks like or to smell it. So it's best to buy products that are sealed.

The xxM is commonly referred to as the "Period of Opening".

So basically, part of my weekend was used to sort through my make-up and skincare products and try and remember when I bought it and when I opened it.

TIP: write down either the date you opened the product or the "expiry" date on a label and stick it on the product. This is especially helpful for products you don't use often.

If the product doesn't have the xxM symbol on it, I would probably keep it for no more than 12 months.

Hope you guys learnt something new from this ^_^


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